(1) He stayed up late talking to me on the phone one night when I was upset. This was not even a week after we had officially started dating. What happened was I found out some very disturbing information about my ex-boyfriend (I know he wasn't technically my boyfriend, but that's the most accurate thing to call him). I was upset because some of the details of this information were going on when I was dating him. And the said ex-boyfriend was contacting me at unacceptable levels considering I was in a relationship with Stephan, and I was annoyed. Stephan couldn't come down to Provo because his brother had the car, but he called me as soon as I was home from doing laundry at my cousin's. He just let me talk and he did his best to comfort me, and he helped a lot! It was a serious bonding night. I ended up deleting the ex-boyfriend from my friend list a few days later. Boy, was he upset.
(2) He always tells me I'm beautiful. When Voldemort (that's what we call my ex) uttered his infamous phrase when we stopped dating, it pretty much wrecked my self-esteem for a while. Stephan does know about this, and he has always told me how beautiful he thinks I am. And I know he is sincere. The first time he ever saw me "dressed down" was last April. I was cleaning out my room, so I was dressed in jeans, a T-shirt, my hair was yanked back, I was wearing my glasses, and I was wearing no makeup. He still told me I was beautiful. I've often asked him if he'll still think I'm pretty when I'm pregnant, and he says, "Yes!"
(3) He is always kind to me. I told him when I started birth control in case I had any mood changes. It's a good thing I warned him because I did in that first month. Nothing drastic. I cried more. I was ticked off more often. But Stephan has always let me cry on his shoulder and he always tells me how much he loves me and that he thinks I'm so wonderful. Even when I flipped out when we were talking finances (who knew that was such a heated issue?), he was still kind to me. He was actually prepared for me to flip out. I know that sounds like birth control made me crazy that first month, but I assure you it wasn't drastic. And now that I'm in the second month, I'm much much better. Although I get cravings now....weird.
(4) He listens to me. If I'm happy, sad, angry, whatever, he will always listen to me.
(5) He has been helping me so much in the job search! He has helped me look for jobs. He drove me to my job interview. He keeps telling me that I would be an asset to any employer.
(6) He is a gentleman. He always opens my car door for me, both getting in and getting out. He insists on getting my chair when sitting down for meals. He gets glasses of water for me, no matter how much I protest that I can get my own. When it's cold, he gets my coat for me. And when it's raining and he's wearing his leather jacket, he lifts a side of it over my heat so I can be as dry as possible (and warm!!).
I know this doesn't cover every aspect of his wonderfulness, but this is an attempt. I don't know what I did to deserve him, but whatever I did, I'm glad I did it!!!
I love you Stephan :)