Monday, June 29, 2009

ode to the best fiance ever

So, we're getting married in 47 days. Holy moly. I love Stephan so much; he's the most wonderful fiance anyone could ask for. Here's why he's the best:

(1) He stayed up late talking to me on the phone one night when I was upset. This was not even a week after we had officially started dating. What happened was I found out some very disturbing information about my ex-boyfriend (I know he wasn't technically my boyfriend, but that's the most accurate thing to call him). I was upset because some of the details of this information were going on when I was dating him. And the said ex-boyfriend was contacting me at unacceptable levels considering I was in a relationship with Stephan, and I was annoyed. Stephan couldn't come down to Provo because his brother had the car, but he called me as soon as I was home from doing laundry at my cousin's. He just let me talk and he did his best to comfort me, and he helped a lot! It was a serious bonding night. I ended up deleting the ex-boyfriend from my friend list a few days later. Boy, was he upset.

(2) He always tells me I'm beautiful. When Voldemort (that's what we call my ex) uttered his infamous phrase when we stopped dating, it pretty much wrecked my self-esteem for a while. Stephan does know about this, and he has always told me how beautiful he thinks I am. And I know he is sincere. The first time he ever saw me "dressed down" was last April. I was cleaning out my room, so I was dressed in jeans, a T-shirt, my hair was yanked back, I was wearing my glasses, and I was wearing no makeup. He still told me I was beautiful. I've often asked him if he'll still think I'm pretty when I'm pregnant, and he says, "Yes!"

(3) He is always kind to me. I told him when I started birth control in case I had any mood changes. It's a good thing I warned him because I did in that first month. Nothing drastic. I cried more. I was ticked off more often. But Stephan has always let me cry on his shoulder and he always tells me how much he loves me and that he thinks I'm so wonderful. Even when I flipped out when we were talking finances (who knew that was such a heated issue?), he was still kind to me. He was actually prepared for me to flip out. I know that sounds like birth control made me crazy that first month, but I assure you it wasn't drastic. And now that I'm in the second month, I'm much much better. Although I get cravings now....weird.

(4) He listens to me. If I'm happy, sad, angry, whatever, he will always listen to me.

(5) He has been helping me so much in the job search! He has helped me look for jobs. He drove me to my job interview. He keeps telling me that I would be an asset to any employer.

(6) He is a gentleman. He always opens my car door for me, both getting in and getting out. He insists on getting my chair when sitting down for meals. He gets glasses of water for me, no matter how much I protest that I can get my own. When it's cold, he gets my coat for me. And when it's raining and he's wearing his leather jacket, he lifts a side of it over my heat so I can be as dry as possible (and warm!!).

I know this doesn't cover every aspect of his wonderfulness, but this is an attempt. I don't know what I did to deserve him, but whatever I did, I'm glad I did it!!!

I love you Stephan :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

string quartet

My dad e-mailed me Saturday night asking me if I would be interested in having live music at my reception. I had an idea of what he meant, but I asked for clarification anyway. His idea was to have a string quartet. I thought about it and talked it over with Stephan. We decided that we liked the idea. Originally, we were going to have a dance with music provided by a playlist I would create on my iPod. But, we are going to have a string quartet. Neither of us really knows how to dance. Stephan cannot dance (I love you, Stephan) and I'm merely okay. The only reason why Stephan wanted to have a dance is because it's traditional. And his sister had one at hers, but you see, she met her husband in a BYU dance class. They CAN dance. I also do not like the idea of people staring at me for a dance. Eek. Plus, a quartet suits us better. We both love classical music. I grew up hearing chamber groups rehearsing in my house. I also grew up hearing my dad play classical music full blast on our stereo system.

I also get to choose what music I want performed. I WILL NOT have Canon in D at my reception. I think it is far too overplayed. I'm also a violinist, and we string players have come to despise Canon in D. People who love it obviously have never played a string instrument ;) I'm looking at the quartet's website and they have some good stuff.

Yep. I'm excited about a quartet. It will add the ambience of Le Jardin.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I'm coming down to 59 days until I'm married...holy cow.

Why I'm looking forward to getting married (in no particular order):

(1) No more "long-distance" relationship.

(2) No more "I have to take you home now" or "I need to get home now"

(3) Having our own place. And decorating said place within complex regulations.

(4) Human bedwarmer in the wintertime (ha ha)

(5) Calling him "my husband"

(6) Putting a ring on his finger

(7) Temple dates :)

(8) Having a husband to cook for

(9) Having little kids in my ward

(10) Having a man around the house to do manly things.

(11) Having a tall person reach for things I can't :)

(12) Being Laura Anderson; that will take some getting used to.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

no more fast food!

For the majority of the time I've been at BYU, I have eaten lunch in the Cougareat. It was convenient. My freshman year, it meant I didn't have to walk all the way back to DT to get something. When I started living off-campus, I didn't have to walk all the way back home to get something and I didn't have to pack a lunch.

Well, it wasn't exactly healthy. I mean, I started trying to eat the healthier fare at the Cougareat: Subway, L&T (salad and wrap place), and getting vegetables on my orange chicken from Teriyaki Sticks. Unfortunately, I got sick of these items and started going for the unhealthier fare again, but trying to uh, eat smaller portions. And L&T has started using a chicken that tastes really gross.

On top of the Cougareat, Stephan and I had lately been going to fast food places to get food.

I was tired of fast food. I decided to stop eating it.

And boy am I glad! I now use my meal plan to buy food from the Creamery, which is just five minutes from my apartment. I eat lunch at home, which is conveniently very close to campus. Last week, Jessica asked me if I had lost weight. And on Sunday, Stephan asked if I had lost weight because I was lighter when he picked me up...heh heh. I guess I have lost some weight, but it wasn't my motivation behind my fast food ban. It's a nice perk, even though I've never been overweight.

I also feel a lot better. I don't feel so groggy anymore and I'm happier. And I don't think I'm very moody these days,but that may be my body getting used to the birth control.

Now, I know that there are times I might have to resort to fast food rather than starve, and I don't mind that. Just as long as those times are few and far between.

And there may be times I have a craving. Like for a chicken sandwich and fries. Or a pizza.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

a callback? yes!

I felt a little bit crabby this morning. I think it was leftover from yesterday, when I didn't get a good grade on my ELANG test (and I studied too!) and my editing teacher was disappointed with one of my editing assignments. *sigh*

But, I started working on things. I started doing some homework. And then I decided to do some cleaning, and I felt better. Who knew cleaning could be therapeutic? And then it started looking really stormy outside, and I decided to run to the Creamery to get some milk before it started raining. I got lucky. It started raining lightly as I walked home and then it really started pouring right after I got into my apartment. Hurray!

Then I started to make cookies. I just felt like making my famous peanut butter chocolate chip cookies (okay okay, my mom's). Then I heard my phone go off in my room--it was Stephan's ring tone. I barely missed that call, but I noticed I had a voicemail. 

Backup: on Monday, I found a job listing on craigslist for a copy writer/copy editor at a scrapbooking company in Pleasant Grove. I hadn't been looking much in the writing/editing section because there aren't always new listings. But that job was posted on Monday! The job included dental, vision, and health insurance and a 401 (k). They also asked me to send in my salary requirements with my resume. So, I decided to apply for it. And I was really hoping this was an answer to my prayers.

The voicemail was from a woman at the scrapbooking company. She wanted me to come in on Tuesday or Wednesday to take an editing test, which was the next part of the hiring process. Eek! I called Stephan back and told him the good news. His response: "SCORE!" Then I called the woman back and now I am scheduled to take the test on Tuesday at 10:45 a.m.

I am REALLY hoping this could be the job I am meant for! It's in Pleasant Grove and it wouldn't be too far to drive from where Stephan and I are going to be living. It comes with amazing benefits. And I hope I would be paid well. It also looks like if I do get the job, they would work with me with regards to school because I won't graduate until August. I did mention in the cover letter and my resume that I will be graduating this August. I'm still looking for other jobs--I can't put all my eggs into one basket here.

So folks, be hoping and praying that I get this job!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Discovering the roots of my insanity

Or one of them ;)

I hadn't been feeling great the last few weeks. Sometimes I was moody and sometimes I just felt blah. And I just couldn't figure out why. But then I had a realization (maybe last night) that most of my time recently has been devoted to school, studying, wedding planning, trying to be a good fiancee, spending time with Stephan....dare I go on? Basically, I realized that I haven't been giving myself "me" time.

So last night, after spending the day writing a profile paper for my ELANG class while talking to Stephan on Skype (productivity levels were good for the both of us, surprisingly), I decided to do some pleasure reading. Being a student, I don't get to do much pleasure reading. School can zap the joy out of it. I selected Pride and Prejudice, one of my favorite books. I hadn't read it since I was eighteen. I thought I had the novel memorized, but after starting it, I realized I had forgotten a good deal of it! Now, I know the plot quite well, it was just some of the dialogues and scenes that had escaped me these many years. It was almost like I was reading it for the first time again.

I have made a goal. I am going to make time every night to read or do something for fun. Writing, attempting to crochet, things like that. I figure if I give myself a little bit of me time, I will be a much more pleasant person to spend time with.

Oh and by the way, Stephan and I have created our wedding website. Feel free to look at it:

Wedding Website

Monday, June 1, 2009

Being engaged...

I've been engaged for almost three months, and today I decided to make a list of reasons why I like being engaged. Most people talk about how much they hate it. While I do have my frustrations with it, why not look at the bright side of things?

(1) I do not feel obligated to flirt with guys. I hated flirting--I always made a fool of myself. Now I don't have to worry about it because I only have to "flirt" with one guy now...hee hee hee.

(2) I have the perfect excuse for refusing dates. Of course, no one has tried to ask me out (thank heavens). Here at BYU, we're conditioned to look at the left hand, so that's most likely why no one has even tried. Oh, how I love my ring :)

(3) I can plan my dream wedding.

(4) Always knowing that I will be doing something with Stephan.

(5) Knowing that I'll soon be with Stephan for eternity :)

(6) Not having to deal with dating drama anymore. I do not miss dating around AT ALL. There were some girls at the pre-marital class I went to who sort of lamented not dating around anymore. I think they're crazy.

That's all I can think of for now.

75 more days to