We came back to Utah on Monday and didn't get into our apartment until late that night. We spent a good part of the day at Stephan's family's house--there was free food. We were very tired by the time we got back to the apartment, and I was annoyed because I had wanted to get back earlier to start unpacking. But we went to bed.
The next morning, I had to drive Stephan to UVU for a meeting for the math tutors. He was gone all day (sad). When I got back, I surveyed the apartment and decided that if I wanted to get anything done, I needed to go buy some garbage bags, garbage cans, and other various things. So, I drove to Wal-Mart, and probably nearly got into an accident. I am not a terribly experienced driver, especially by myself. I had only driven by myself once, when I was a senior in high school. My parents were far too overprotective when it came to driving opportunities for me. I'm still bitter about that. Anyway. I went to Wal-Mart, got what I needed, and came back and nearly got into another accident. Unprotected left turns are not my forte. After I got home, I started unpacking things. I didn't need to go pick Stephan up--he had his dad pick him up so he could go get his scooter from the house. After he got back, we got our many gift cards together and went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and Target to get stuff still on our registry.
I am not nearly done unpacking the apartment, much to my chagrin. Stephan went back to school on Wednesday, leaving me to continue unpacking. I made some progress. We also got new cell phones that evening too. Yay. Thursday, I went to UVU with Stephan. He was doing some kind of advertising for the math lab. It was part of "Welcome Week" apparently. I just hung around, read, listened to my iPod, etc. We were at UVU longer than expected because Stephan started doing some programming for his Computer Science class, and lost track of time. Mental note: I must distract Stephan from time to time when he does programming. He tends to lose track of time when he programs. Yeah, I married a nerd. After we finally came back, we washed dishes and put stuff away. I went to Enrichment for our new ward...and hardly anyone spoke to me. I hope our ward is friendlier than that.
Yesterday, Stephan went to class and came back as soon as he was done. We went to Lowe's to get some space savers and then we went to his family's house for a little while to give Alex the power cord for the cell phone and to pick up some more packages that came for us. We are opening the gifts at the in-laws house now--if I get anymore boxes in our apartment, I'll turn into a crazy lady.
Hopefully, we'll have the household up and running really soon. After we get settled, I'll start looking for a job. I'm actually glad I didn't get a job before now because I'd probably have to be committed. So, don't ask me about the job hunt for a while. And don't worry, we have enough money to get us by for now. And I'm confident that it won't take me forever to find a job--I'm out of school and my wedding festivities are long over.
Stephan's work schedule starts on Monday, and I'm not really looking forward to that. On Mondays, he doesn't get off work until seven. So I have to go eleven hours without seeing him. As if 8-2 wasn't enough. Oy. I'll live somehow.