Friday, September 9, 2011

I'm lazy

...about blogging...even on my other blog

Part of that is because I'm pregnant.

That's for those of you who don't follow my other blog or who aren't my friends on facebook.

But yes it's true, Stephan and I are expecting baby #1 sometime in March 2012. We're very excited. I am coming close to being 14 weeks and officially in the second trimester.

How have I been feeling? Well, the first trimester was no picnic, but all in all, the discomforts were very mild compared to some. For all of this, I am truly grateful. I am getting a pregnant belly, and some people have told me that I am a cute pregnant lady (awww...). We heard the heartbeat on August 17, and it was joyous. This will be grandchild #1 for my parents, and grandchild #4 for my in-laws, but the first to carry the family name.

Now that I've got that out of the way, I'll update you on everything else.

Stephan is still in school, but this is his last year (FINALLY! FOR REAL THIS TIME!). He is on track to May 2012 graduation. He is working three jobs--the math lab, grading for a professor, and iPhone programming. The last two are ones he can do on his own time, so it's not like I never see him.

I am no longer watching Aiden. They moved away because his mom got remarried and they wanted to live closer to their jobs. I miss them, but it was all for the best. My little Aiden is in kindergarten now *sniff*. Now my time is focused on incubating another life form, and trying to pursue actual hobbies outside of web surfing.

My younger brother is coming home from Brazil on September 15 (our mom's birthday). I can't be there for his homecoming, mainly because we were just down in Houston last month. Hopefully we'll get to see him for Christmas--we just have to get the holiday situation figured out.

I guess that's all for now. Maybe I'll update in less than two months ;)