Monday, June 16, 2008

the last few days

On Friday, I went to the BYU fair with some people from my ward. There were a lot of activities and booths there, one of them being a "best pick-up line" booth. What you had to do was write down a pick-up line you know on paper and submit it. The winners would be announced later that evening. Well, I participated and I won third place. My pick-up line? "Well, I'm here. What are your other two wishes?" Ironically, I found that in a top ten WORST pick-up line list. Maybe I should use it...yeah, right. After the carnival, some of us went to Burgers Supreme. I'd never been there, but their burgers are pretty good. But for me, not good for late-night eating. Blegh. I went to bed at ten-ish that night because I had a splitting headache and was tired.

Saturday was uneventful, except I ran some errands, did laundry, and prepared my Relief Society lesson. Sunday, I went to church, gave my lesson, went home, ate, called home, baked cookies, and went to a game night next door.

Today is the last day of class. Tomorrow is Reading Day, then finals will be Wednesday and Thursday. I'm not too worried about my finals--I only have two and I'm getting good grades in both classes.

I ran into a guy from my freshman ward today at the Wilk. It was pretty funny. He stopped me and I didn't know who he was at first. Then he said, "You're Laura...used to be Slack, right?" I smiled and answered, "It's still Slack."

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