Tuesday, August 5, 2008

it's the end of the term already?!

Yeah, pretty freaky. This term has gone by so fast! Spring term was the same way. I guess it's because I've had so much fun. Don't worry Mom, I've been studying. I'm moving out next Thursday; my uncle is making arrangements to get me moved since he's going to be out of town. Then I fly to Houston on August 15, spend a couple of weeks there, and then come back to Provo and move into Park Plaza.

So, last Friday, my friend had a Batman Begins party of sorts at his house. It was kind of a mission reunion, I suppose. The plan was to watch the movie in French since everyone there spoke French to a certain degree (French-speaking missionaries...duh). Or should I say...ben lo-lo!

It was pretty fun. I got to meet some of my friend's old mission buddies and that was pretty cool. I had them try to guess where I'm from just by the way I talk. One of them is a linguistics major, and had me say a sentence that would supposedly pinpoint where I am from. Well, after I said the sentence, he guessed that I was from somewhere in Utah. Boy was he wrong! One of the guys there was named Austin, so I pointed to him and said: "His name is the capitol of the state I'm from." One of the guys yelled: "Texas!!! I remember my state capitols!" I have to say, my friend has some hilarious mission buddies. And as it turns out, I wasn't the only girl in the end. Another guy came late and he brought a date...a French girl no less.

1 comment:

Thriving, not just surviving! said...

But your parents were raised by people from Utah, and for sure, your dad has a Utah accent...