Tuesday, September 23, 2008

eleven days?

Has it been that long since I posted an entry? Gee. Well, I hope no one has been too depressed that I haven't updated as much lately :)

So, I finally printed out my cover letter and resume for the editing job, only to find out that they had closed submissions four days before. Darn. I guess it's for the best--I was worried about how I was going to work 20 hours a week and do school at the same time. I mean, I cut back on my credit hours when I had a 10 hour a week internship last year! At least I can still go volunteer at the MTC and have a fighting chance at a social life.

I gave my talk on September 14 and it was well-received, even though I stayed up until one a.m. finishing it. I was going to finish it sooner, but I was baby-sitting my little cousins and it was a challenging night. I still love them, don't worry.

I suppose most of you heard that Houston was hit by Hurricane Ike last weekend. My parents were in the storm surge area, but they didn't suffer too much damage. The back fence was blown down and there was a little bit of roof damage, but nothing too serious. My parents were without power for about four days. Thankfully, they were not in any of those long lines for food and gas because our food storage is well-stocked. I am now grateful for those many Family Home Evenings of restocking the 72-hour kits and those many summer days we spent canning food. I have a strong testimony of food storage :)

This last Friday, I got to go to my freshman ward reunion! It was pretty exciting, seeing all of those guys after two years. And they hadn't changed a bit, ha ha.

I got sick this last weekend :( I started exhibiting allergy symptoms earlier last week, but it's normal for me to have allergies at this time of year. But on Saturday, I woke up with chest pains and terrible congestion. I had one of my roommates take me to urgent care, where I was given codeine and a pain reliever of sorts. It turns out it was just allergies, they just got really bad. The medicine is helping and I feel much better, though I have to be careful when I take the codeine because it makes me very sleepy.

So with being sick, I didn't get a whole lot done so I'm going to be spending the rest of the day in the library, trying to get as much done as possible.

Oh by the way, I have a new calling. I'm a Gospel Doctrine teacher....woot.

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