Tuesday, December 16, 2008


As of 5:30 today, I finished finals! Hooray! I essentially took three finals today and wrote a paper. I finished my paper around 11 or so today, took my Music 201 exam online, did my final discussion for ELANG, turned in the paper then, and then took my Physical Science final. Next semester will be my last full semester at BYU. After that, I take my last two classes during spring and summer and I will graduate in August. Yikes! I will need to apply for graduation next semester, oh joy. I hope it won't be too bad.

So, I've been packing a little bit. My shuttle picks me up in between 8:30 and 9 tomorrow morning (uggh) and my plane leaves around noon. I hope it doesn't snow again tomorrow. The reason I'm leaving so early is because of snow and holiday traffic.

We had a snow storm this morning. It was amazing, and it made me decide that I wasn't going to leave the apartment until I HAD to. I'm not a huge fan of snow. It was so cold--I was grateful for my thermals, boots, socks, scarf, coat, and gloves! I don't like putting on so many layers, but it made walking outside more tolerable.

I'm thinking about signing up for an exercise class next semester. Not one for credit, but one through aerobics.byu.edu. I wanted Pilates, but the class times are inconvenient for me. However, KardioFusion caught my eye:

An intense cardiovascular workout with hi/lo and kick. Class includes toning and corework using Pilates and other methods.

My core could use some strengthening, since back problems do run in my family. And I could sure use some toning. But intense? Hmm, I dunno. But it would be good for me. I'll think about it. And the class is on Tuesdays and Thursday evenings, which wouldn't be bad for me because I don't have class on these days. There's also a class on Saturday mornings, and it would get me out of bed at a reasonable hour.

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