Monday, January 26, 2009

Laura has a boyfriend...

It is true. Stephan and I are officially a couple.

While we were driving to the farewell, we had something resembling a DTR. I actually had to explain that acronym to him because he does not go to BYU. It was the least awkward DTR ever, I must say. I remember asking him how he was going to introduce me, because I didn't feel like "friend" was going to cut it. We didn't feel comfortable with "girlfriend", so I just instructed him to introduce me as just "Laura" and have the relatives connect the dots.

Initially, we weren't going to announce anything (or so I think) because we didn't want to take away his brother's spotlight, since it was his farewell. What was funny about this Sacrament meeting was that not only was Brent (the missionary brother) speaking, but Stephan's other brother Alex was the scheduled youth speaker, and their dad was the bishopric member conducting and he gave a few remarks. During his dad's remarks, Stephan put his hand on his leg, kind of indicating that he wanted to hold hands. I saw this signal, and moved my hand to a reachable proximity. After his dad finished his talk, Stephan offered his hand to me, and I took it. It was the first time that either of us had ever held hands with the opposite sex.

We didn't take away Brent's thunder, but relatives were curious about me. I made a very favorable impression, apparently. After the farewell was over, we played games. His family was very cruel to us in "Apples to Apples", for reasons I will not explain now. They were giving us a hard time.

So yeah, I have a boyfriend. It feels very natural, actually, and I'm happy about it. A little scared, but happy.

And now he's got facebook, ha ha!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

weird nap dreams

I had to be somewhere at eight this morning, and when I got back, I decided to take a little nap. I fell asleep and dreamt the following:

The dream itself involves two guys I know; one that I have never dated and the other was the guy I dated for a few months last summer. The first guy, I dreamt that we were just talking and then suddenly he's holding my hand. I haven't held hands with Stephan (yet) and I was trying to tell him about Stephan, but I couldn't get my mouth open to tell him.

Then there's the ex. I dreamt that he took me to a nice restaurant for dinner, which he NEVER did. The only time he ever bought me dinner was fast food. He bought me lunch once at the Cannon Center. And then I had dinner a couple of times at his house (prepared by his mother). He was a cheapskate. Not only was it a nice restaurant, it was Japanese, which everyone knows is my favorite. Hang on, isn't this Stephan's territory? I guess he was trying to get me back or something. Ain't gonna happen.

I woke up from this feeling very dazed, grateful it was all a dream, and looking forward to seeing my tall friend this Sunday.

On another note...

Remember that birthday/Christmas card that my ex gave me? Well, on Monday night, I took that and a couple of pictures of him that he gave me and cut them up into small pieces. I would have burned them, but I don't think tenants are allowed to do that. I threw them away and I think they are now rotting in the dumpster as we speak. He doesn't remember even giving me the pictures in the first place and he has digital copies of them.

It was a liberating experience. I highly recommend it. I even took a picture of the little pile that I will post as soon as I upload the pictures from my camera.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Meet the parents, and then some

Okay, so I got a phone call from Stephan yesterday. For once he didn't get my voicemail when he called *laughs*. He called to extend an invitation to his younger brother's mission farewell that is going to be held next week. His brother is going to Prague and is reporting on February 4. Not only is his immediate family going to be at the farewell, but much of his extended family will be there as well.


So, in six days, I am going to be scrutinized by an entire clan. Or a large part of it.


Oh yes, very nervous indeed...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

best date ever :)

So, I went out with Stephan tonight. Well, today and into tonight...yes I had that much fun. The Japanese puppet show was entertaining and interesting. Then we went to the woodblock exhibit at the MOA next door. We talked while we looked at art. It was great. Then, we went for Japanese food. He did his homework in selecting the restaurant. The reviews he read about the place we went to were the best and the prices were very reasonable. The food was GREAT. Some of the best Japanese food I have ever had, and that's saying a lot. And we had amazing conversation. After dinner, we got cheap soft serve ice cream at Macey's. The awkward doorstep scene? I hugged him. You're probably what? Well, on the first two dates, we felt so awkward that we didn't even touch. I think this is progress.

He's interested. I'm getting to that point. It's just that I've never had a great guy be interested in me before. It's a whole new experience for me.

He's already reserved me for Valentine's ;)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

friends with detriments

I think we can all relate to this in one way or another.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


School started yesterday, along with a snowstorm that is still going on.

My classes seem good so far. It turns out I didn't sign up for the magazine editing section of the Genre and Substantive editing class, but rather I signed up for the technical editing section. I was disappointed, but I think I might enjoy it after all. It's funny really--I had been avoiding technical editing (apart from being on a technical writing publication) and now it has caught up to me. But finding a job in the technical editing field should not be too difficult, and I found out that my French skills may become useful. Technical editing also seems to be the most profitable field of editing. And if I don't like it, well it's another skill I'll have.

I had four classes yesterday from 9-1 and then I was done. I don't have any classes today or on Thursday, so I'm trying to make use of my time by doing homework.

Last night, two of my roommates and I went to the Smith Fieldhouse track. They ran and I powerwalked. My knees don't like me when I run. We walked to the fieldhouse in the snow. Talk about dedication. It was worth it.

Friday, January 2, 2009

post 100...yay?

I have made 100 posts on this blog. Does it call for celebration? Maybe, maybe not.

So, I'm going back to Utah tomorrow afternoon. I have mixed feelings about it. I'm excited to get back and see my friends again and to be in a routine again, but I'm sad because I don't like leaving home and I'm not looking forward to the snow in Utah! Especially after the lovely warm weather we've been having down here in Houston.

I should probably talk about what I've done this break.

Let's see, I went Christmas shopping right after I got back. Then I went to a Houston Symphony concert. My mom sings with the chorus and every Christmas season they sing Handel's Messiah. It's amazing. Then there was Christmas preparations--we had to put up the tree because my parents weren't able to get the tree out of the garage by themselves. They waited until my brothers were back. There was shopping, shopping, and cooking. We went out to eat a few times. Then there was Christmas Day. We didn't get up until nine-thirty. That shows how old we are. But I figured that since my birthday is Christmas Day, the birthday girl should be allowed to sleep in. I turned 22 (yay). 22 is my favorite number, and I really don't know why. It just seems like a nice number. I got some nice presents. For Christmas dinner, my aunt and uncle came down from Humble and we had a single man in our ward over as well. It was pretty fun, and it was delicious. Mmm-mm.

Two days after Christmas, I went to a wedding reception for a couple of my friends: Hannah and Brandon. I originally knew Hannah--we were in the same dormitory freshman year. We met while we were doing laundry--she said that she was living in Japan and I told her that I lived in Japan once. A year later, she started dating Brandon, who was from my home stake. I did not know him because my home ward got moved into his stake the day I graduated from high school and he was on his mission. But I did meet him when I went home for a summer. They got engaged and were married in Houston, since her family has lived all over.

This last week, I went to the eye doctor. It turns out I have something on my eye because my eyes weren't getting enough oxygen; that was because I was wearing my contacts almost constantly at one point because my glasses broke. So, I'm trying to wear my glasses more often. And my eye doctor wants to try out a new contact lens brand on me. I've done a little bit of clothes shopping. I've gone on walks to try to burn off some of the holiday/final exam calories. I passed all of my classes, yay. I saw "The Tale of Desperaux" today and it was cute. I went to another wedding open house, and oddly enough, I knew the bride and groom for this one too! Nathan was in my ward when I lived in Katy. Our parents are good friends. Natalie was in my ward my sophomore year at BYU. She and I found out we both knew him when we first met. It's a small world when you're Mormon.

That was my break. I go back to Utah tomorrow *tear*. I will begin my final full semester in college on Monday *another tear*.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2008 in review

I guess it's been quite a year, huh?

-I start back at BYU
-I get a new FHE "husband"
-I continue working at Intercultural Outreach
-The number of girls in my apartment reduces to four
-President Hinckley died.

- I go to several concerts (for my music class)
-I got to witness an old family friend open his mission call
-My younger brother finds out he did not get into BYU
-It seems like all my roommates are dating people and I wasn't.
-I go to "Music and the Spoken Word" in Salt Lake for the first time

- My little cousin Darren is born
-My mom performs and speaks at John Longhurst's retirement concert
-I decide to stay in Glenwood for spring/summer
-I sign a contract with Park Plaza for fall/winter.

- I find out that my brother Craig has been applying to the Border Patrol
-Paul moves to Las Vegas for his student teaching
-The semester ends
-I switch apartments

- I am taking spring classes
-I am also attending Institute
-I am called to be a Relief Society teacher (well, more like late April)
-I'm hanging out with my neighbors a lot
-I'm working out on a regular basis
-Scott is accepted to BYU for winter 2009

- My friend Laura moves in with me
-I ran into an old friend after not seeing or hearing from him for six months
-I tried on wedding dresses at Allyse's Bridal (I said that I wasn't engaged "yet")
-Summer term starts; I have amazing grades from spring term
-I saw the new Indiana Jones movie by myself
-I start spending time with friend

- Still doing summer term
-I'm still spending a lot of time with said friend, it seems like we are dating and I think he's interested
-I see Wall*E
-I bungee jump at the Freedom Festival in Provo
-Leisl moves in and we get along amazingly well
-My brother leaves Las Vegas and I get to see him and my mom when they are driving his car back to Rexburg
-My mom and my brother meet my friend and his family

- I start making preparations to move out of Glenwood
-I go to my friend's multi-stake luau (I think this is a big step in the "relationship")
-I move out and go home for two weeks
-My mom and I take Craig to Del Rio, where he reported to the Border Patrol
-We have car trouble as we are leaving
-Scott gets his Eagle Scout award
-Come back to Utah and move into Park Plaza on August 31

- School starts
-I have an allergy attack
-My freshman ward reunion
-Issues come up with friend, we finally have the DTR
-We break up the day before the RS Broadcast (what perfect timing)

- My roommates and I go to one roommate's house in South Jordan for part of General Conference
-Went to the afternoon session of GC in Salt Lake--we got lucky on standby
-A guy I meet at the Cougareat asks for my phone number (I was very excited)
-I decide to be set up with a friend of my roommate's former boyfriend
-Trying to work out on a regular basis
-I am Esmeralda for Halloween
-I have my first date after my breakup, and this guy initiates a DTR on the first date (I was pretty freaked out)

- I go to a friend's bridal shower and won a tiara. I asked if it meant I'm next
-I meet Stephan, the guy my roommate was partially responsible for setting me up with. He was very nervous, but asked for my number at the end.
-I get food poisoning and get sick in Sunday School after I finish teaching and my co-teacher is teaching
-Cougareat boy finally calls and asks me out. We go out but that was the last I saw of him.
-Thanksgiving with my family
-My family goes "indoor skydiving"
-My parents are called to be ordinance workers in the Houston Temple

-My parents are able to come to my orchestra concert!
-I go on another date with Stephan, the first time I've been on more than one date with someone since someone else
-Paul graduates from BYU-Idaho
-Scott finishes his semester at BYU-I
-My roommates actually do something for my (early) birthday
-I turn 22