Thursday, January 22, 2009

weird nap dreams

I had to be somewhere at eight this morning, and when I got back, I decided to take a little nap. I fell asleep and dreamt the following:

The dream itself involves two guys I know; one that I have never dated and the other was the guy I dated for a few months last summer. The first guy, I dreamt that we were just talking and then suddenly he's holding my hand. I haven't held hands with Stephan (yet) and I was trying to tell him about Stephan, but I couldn't get my mouth open to tell him.

Then there's the ex. I dreamt that he took me to a nice restaurant for dinner, which he NEVER did. The only time he ever bought me dinner was fast food. He bought me lunch once at the Cannon Center. And then I had dinner a couple of times at his house (prepared by his mother). He was a cheapskate. Not only was it a nice restaurant, it was Japanese, which everyone knows is my favorite. Hang on, isn't this Stephan's territory? I guess he was trying to get me back or something. Ain't gonna happen.

I woke up from this feeling very dazed, grateful it was all a dream, and looking forward to seeing my tall friend this Sunday.

On another note...

Remember that birthday/Christmas card that my ex gave me? Well, on Monday night, I took that and a couple of pictures of him that he gave me and cut them up into small pieces. I would have burned them, but I don't think tenants are allowed to do that. I threw them away and I think they are now rotting in the dumpster as we speak. He doesn't remember even giving me the pictures in the first place and he has digital copies of them.

It was a liberating experience. I highly recommend it. I even took a picture of the little pile that I will post as soon as I upload the pictures from my camera.

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