Thursday, March 26, 2009

I am bride, hear me roar

Before you think I am writing an angry post, please allow me to tell you that I'm writing this in a completely sane state of mind.

Here is a pet peeve I have about being engaged (among others): unsolicited advice/opinions. And I have been getting them since even before Stephan and I had announced our engagement. I have received "advice" about what cake flavor I should have; where I should get my dress; WHEN I should get married; where we should get our rings; how we should have negotiated the price of my ring...

I know people think that they are being helpful and all, but it's getting old. I know what I'm doing. And for those who feel like their opinion matters so much, well guess what: It's my wedding, not yours. I am repenting of any unsolicited advice I've ever given.

And if I want advice, I will ask for it. Though advice on housing and finding a job in Utah are very welcome.

You're probably thinking that I'm some sort of "bridezilla". Quite the contrary. I'm only writing this post so I don't turn into one.

Please be reminded that I have written this in a calm state of mind.

Of course, I know that this will not be the end of unsolicited advice. Apparently, it will abound in my first pregnancy. Oh joy.


Anonymous said...

Oh, it won't be just your first baby. Every pregnancy and baby is an open invitation to total strangers to give you unsolicited advice.

Emily said...

I don't know, I think marriage and baby advice is just a pleasant way to have a conversation that no one has to work very hard at. Since its almost always the same thing, by the end of your engagement you can perfect your "I'm getting married" conversation to its highly polished final form. Smiles and good feeling all around.

Ames said...

Hi Laura--Hope you don't mind that I've been blog-stalking you. :) I really like your writing.

I have to say that I totally feel your pain on this one. I finally got so frustrated with two of my married girlfriends who were picking apart all my choices that I responded with, "Look, you two already had your weddings! This one is mine!" And it worked...for about two weeks.

Hang in there, I'm told it's worth it.