Tuesday, April 14, 2009

end of semester....wha?!

So today was the last day of classes. However, I do not have classes on Tuesdays, so yesterday was my last day. Yay? Well, I still had stuff to do today. I needed to write up my report for my capstone class and I need to take some online quizzes for my Music 202 class before midnight. Right now, my brain is FRIED.

Today marks exactly one month since Stephan proposed :) And tomorrow will mark four months until the wedding. Yay! It doesn't seem so forever away now. We got some more planning done! Happiness! Stephan has tentatively planned our honeymoon and I approved of it. We have also decided where we're going to have the family dinner/my graduation dinner the night before. I know most people call it a rehearsal dinner, but we're getting married in the temple, what's there to rehearse? So I call it the family dinner, and it's just our immediate families with the possible inclusion of grandparents. Or I could call it "the dinner where our families attempt to like each other", ha ha. Nah, I'm sure they'll get along just fine.

I'm going home next week after finals, just for a few days. I'm hoping to get some more wedding planning done, including getting a dress! I know what you're thinking: you're going to look for a dress in Houston? Well, there's actually a modest wedding dress shop in Katy. One of my friends got her dress there and said that they have good deals there. This also gives my mom her chance to go wedding dress shopping with me, since I'm in Utah and she's in Houston. Plus, my mom has a really good eye and will be able to tell what looks good on me and what doesn't. Thank heavens for a mother who's a seamstress. People have been asking me if my mom is going to make my dress and the answer is no. Fittings would be impossible with the distance. And we've been having a hard time finding patterns that look good on me. I have a different shape than she does.

And it's cold and rainy...


alli said...

Hi Laura, I found your blog through your link on facebook. You should definitely go to the shop in Katy. That's where I got my dress. They have a good selection and the owner is very nice. Are you having a reception in Houston?

Laura said...

We are going to have an open house in Houston sometime after the wedding, don't know exactly when yet. It depends on my job situation. I'm hoping that I'll have a guaranteed job really soon. I've applied to three places so far.

Good selection? Ooh, I'm really excited!!

Sarah said...

Your mom made my wedding dress. I'll never forget that she hand hemmed all sixteen yards of chiffon! She's amazing! I'm glad she's at least helping you pick out your dress. That will be so fun!