Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I'm getting so bad at updating, and seriously, who reads this?

Thanksgiving was fine. We went to the middle of nowhere, also known as Grace, ID. It's a really tiny town in southeastern Idaho, and basically if you blink, you miss it. I felt really out of my zone--I am from the big city after all. Stephan's grandparents were um, really excited to see me again. Two people thought I was Stephan's sister Heather. Hah! It was all interesting because Kathy's family is very similar to my mom's. Both families have three adopted children and a foster daughter. Kathy and my mom are the oldest in their families and both had to take on a lot of responsibility at a young age for various reasons. Stephan has an Aunt Karen and I have an Aunt Karyn (both were adopted too). There are differences of course, but it is all quite freaky when you think about it.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I drove through Napoleon Dynamite's hometown of Preston, ID. A very tiny place.

We stayed in Grace for a total of a day and drove back after Thanksgiving dinner was finished. The day after Thanksgiving was spent sleeping in, going to the temple, eating Subway, and getting a sweet Christmas tree (pre-lit too) for $25 at Target (you almost never hear me say this, but hooray for Black Friday!).

Stephan already has purchased TWO of my Christmas presents and I have yet to get him one...whoops. I'm really having a hard time deciding what to get him (he never knows what to ask for), so if anyone has ideas, let me know.

Officially, we are spending Christmas in HOUSTON! I'm pretty excited about this. Now to convince my parents to take Stephan to our all-time favorite Mexican restaurant while we're down there. But I have converted my darling husband to spicy food.

It has snowed here and now I'm learning how to drive in snow. It's not my favorite thing to do, needless to say. But the only really scary part is our parking lot, ironically. Yeah, I'm pretty sure some people are making fun of the little Texan who didn't learn how to drive in snow. Um, blame Mother Nature for that. On that note, it snowed in Houston on Friday...two days before it snowed here!!! And it was substantial snow too. When I told Stephan, he called the Houstonians a bunch of wimps. Then I had to tell him that Houston getting a substantial snowfall is like Arizona getting a torrential rainstorm. It just doesn't happen! Kathy was much more sympathetic, but that's because she served her mission in Dallas.

Not much else to share. Here's to hoping Stephan survives finals and that I survive having him study for and taking them.

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