Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 2, 2010

My posts have been slightly depressing lately. I apologize to my readers, however many (or few) they are. Not too much has changed. I have gotten back on the job hunt, to a certain extent. I learned how to make bread last Saturday--my wonderful mother-in-law was so kind to teach me. Another money-saving venture, but also a delicious and nutritious way to do so. I reorganized some of the cupboards in the kitchen and mostly know where everything is now.

So, I found this on another blog. I've been really down on myself lately, and I decided to take the challenge to write TEN things I like about myself. Let's see if I can make it to ten.

(1) I have a really good memory. I can remember dates and details of certain events really really well, much to the shock of others.

(2) I've always been a good reader. None of us (my brothers and me) had difficulty learning to read and all of us learned to read at a young age. In fifth grade, tests showed that I could read at almost a high school level.

(3) I make really good cookies. Stephan proposed to me after merely tasting the batter of my peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. Of course, he was already planning to propose, but I still like to mention the cookie bit for laughs.

(4) My hair is pretty. It took many years of battling frizz, but now I have nice curls. While other girls spend hours in the morning with straighteners or curling irons, I wash my hair, comb it, put in a little bit of product, and go. I will blow dry my hair if it's freezing outside, but that's it.

(5) I tend to choose quality over quantity. Case in point: my wedding ring. It's a small diamond, but it's better than what you'll get from Cartier or Tiffany &Co.

(6) I'm a good violinist. I haven't practiced regularly in some time, but I do have talent and good technique.

(7) I can write in the phonetic alphabet. Not very many people can do that ;)

(8) I'd like to think that I am good with little kids. They usually like me.

(9) I'm a good cook. Stephan has liked just about everything I've made for him so far. He has gained ten pounds since we got married.

(10) I have a very strong sense of right and wrong. I mostly see things in black or white, rarely in between, with regards to morality. I'm not perfect by any means, but I do try to be the best I can.

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