Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 2: Favorite Movies

I have a few of these as well, and I don't know if I can say if I have an absolute favorite movie of all time. But here are some of them:

Hands down, this is my favorite version of Pride and Prejudice (besides the novel of course). Yes, it's six hours long, but it is six hours well spent. I really didn't like the Keira Knightley version (don't hate me), even though I wanted to. It lacked the character development that this version has. There were a lot of other things I hated about it, but I'll spare you. I love this movie so very much, and I recently converted Stephan to it. 

West Side Story will always be one of my all-time favorite movies; I was raised on it. Stirring music, good acting, and a powerful message at the end. Not to mention the choreography.

I know some people will find this controversial, but I don't care. The only thing I didn't really like about it was that the costumes were historically inaccurate. Other than that, I loved it. If you're wondering, I think Christine did the right thing by going with Raoul. 

I was introduced to Star Wars when I was about five years old, when my older brothers begged to rent it. After that, I was a fan. If you're wondering, I like the original trilogy better than the prequels, but I do not hate the prequels like some people do. 

Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie. I can really identify with Belle, because people often think I'm odd. And the relationship between Belle and the Beast reminds me of mine with Stephan. It wasn't love at first sight (for me), but as I got to know him better, he grew on me ;) 

These are just a few. Hope you enjoy!


alli said...

I LOVE the A&E version and didn't like the Keira Knightley version of Pride & Prejudice too! I just don't think it can get much better than the A&E version. The characters are spot-on.

Anne said...

Yeah, I'm with you on the Pride and Prejudice A&E version. I will go so far as to say that I hate the Keira Knightly version. I think she just makes a really crappy Elizabeth. But you can't get any better than the book!