Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 19: A Talent of Mine

I play the violin. People tell me I'm talented, but I'm very out of practice at the moment (I'll change that someday). I started playing the violin just before I turned 11, and I'm nearing 24. Thirteen years? Wow.

This is a sonnet I wrote for a creative writing class I took my senior year of high school. Please keep in mind I was 17 and writing this for a grade, so disregard how juvenile it may sound.

Me and My Violin

I have played violin for many years
Practicing difficult music and scales
And keeping short my growing fingernails
I suppose it is something cavalier.

But I really do love all the music
It fills my heart and soul with great delight
To play music good composers write
You must know: learning is not at all quick!

Practice and listen to some strict teachers
And practice with the stupid metronome
It seems easy to compose palindromes
Tough teachers often teach you a lot better.

Before you take up any instrument
Mind you that it is not an ornament. 

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