Saturday, May 14, 2011

What do I say?

Having two blogs is somewhat overwhelming. One of them inevitably gets neglected.

So, what's been going on besides me venturing further into the blogging world?

Let's see...

My parents came to Utah a few weeks ago. The main reason for their visit was because my mom's youngest sister was (finally) going through the temple for the first time. Let's just say this was an event that the family was waiting for since before I was even born. She was endowed in the Bountiful Temple, and her oldest daughter (who got married six months after I did) acted as her escort. It was a good day. After the endowment session, Stephan and I had dinner with them at a really tasty Chinese restaurant in Bountiful (Mandarin, if you're wondering) and then we went to a concert on Temple Square.

Then the next day, my dad flew home, and my mom came to church with Pleasant Grove. My brother-in-law was giving his homecoming talk, and my mom needed a place to attend church. Afterwards, there was a reception of sorts. Stephan spent most of this working on a final project for his game programming class.

The day after, I spent a few hours with my mom. It was really nice because I don't get to see my folks often. She helped me figure out my sewing machine, take some boxes to DI, and then we had sushi. Then she left to visit other people (it was a short trip).

Stephan also had finals that week. It was a hard week for everyone, even though he only had three. He was really nervous about his Partial Differential Equations final, because he had been struggling in the class all semester. He had a pretty crazy professor whose teaching method didn't agree with him. On the day of that final, I put out a request on facebook for people to say prayers or send happy thoughts his way. I think it worked because when I picked him up, he was really positive that he had done well on the final.

Although we had to wait a week for grades to come out.

Stephan wasn't very easy to live with during that week.

When the grades came out, he was scared to even look at them. But when he did, there was great rejoicing. He passed his Partial Differential Equations class, as well as the others. Hallelujah!

Now he's taking summer classes--only one per term. He's still working at the Math Lab, although only 11 hours because it's summer. Stephan will also be doing work for his brother's business, and he is starting a computer building business. Ask us about it :)

As for me, I'm still nannying Aiden. He has been having a hard time lately because his mom just got engaged, and his dad has a new girlfriend. On the plus side, I've gotten him to eat regular meals rather than snack all the time. And I've been able to limit his TV watching, although it's really hard to get him to play by himself when I need to get something done. He's an only child of divorced parents, so he's used to having constant attention by one person. I've just got to keep trying, I guess.

I forgot to mention that it's pretty much official that Stephan will be graduating next May. This time, it really does seem to be set in stone. He only has a few classes left; most of them are not going to be horrendous like the last few semesters have been. In fact, he only needs to take ONE class next spring. That will give him enough time to look for a post graduate job...hopefully one in Washington State. Like I said, he has his heart set on getting a job. there. Me, I don't really care where we go, as long as we move out of this state.

And there's my update.


Ricky and Laurie Leiser said...

YEAH for WA State! we will be here for several more years, maybe you guys could end up somewhat close to us!

Laura said...

Actually Laurie, we very well might. Stephan is hoping to get a job somewhere in the Seattle area because it's a really good place to find computer programming jobs. Naturally, we'll live somewhere in that area. We will definitely let you know.