Saturday, July 26, 2008

long weekend...

I'm having a four-day weekend now. Well, I'm on the third day of it. On the first day, I had stayed up very late the night before talking to one of my roommates. I did not sleep well, and then the next day, I really did not feel well. It was hot, my body decided that it hated me, and then I was foolish enough to buy a frozen pizza and consume it in its entirety in the course of a day. I did not get sick or anything, but I'm not eating pizza again anytime soon. I felt absolutely rotten.

Classes resumed on Friday, but I don't have classes on Friday. When I got to campus, I bought myself a very nutritious lunch. Nothing like burning the candle at both ends to motivate you to be healthy again. Then, I spent time studying. I actually got stuff done. Yay. Last night, I visited my neighbors and told them about my date....yeah.

Today, I really haven't left my apartment, except to go get a package from the office. You see, it's deathly hot outside and I am not a fan of the heat. My roommate and I are trying to watch North and South online right now.

Maybe I'll get out one of these days.

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