Monday, July 21, 2008

my weekend

I had a good, though hurried weekend. My mom and brother got into Provo late Friday night. My mom picked me up Saturday morning, and we made a quick trip to the mall. I got a couple of cute tops at Maurice's that I'm pretty excited about.

After going to the mall, we went back to where my mom and brother were staying and checked out and drove up to my grandfather's house in Willard. We were supposed to go shooting in the early afternoon, but my cousin had the mother of all nosebleeds and had to go to the emergency room to have his nostrils cauterized (ick). That took about three hours. And after that, it seemed like everything that could go wrong...did. We finally got about an hour of shotgun shooting in, when it was 100 degrees outside. The reason for the time limit was because we had reservations at one of our favorite restaurants that evening: Maddox. My aunt's family owns the place. So we went to dinner, and it was all right. I had the nerve to order a steak, and I can honestly say that I'm not much of a steak person. I should have ordered the salmon. I love salmon.

Sunday, we went to church with my grandpa. I was a bit woozy during church. I took some sleeping medicine that my mom uses the night before, and I don't think I agreed with it. It was a diuretic, so I guess it made me pretty dehydrated. After church, we cooked a simple spaghetti dinner for grandpa, packed our bags, and headed down to Provo. We visited a friend for a couple of hours and then my mom took me back to my apartment.

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