Well I was tagged to do this little "love quiz" since February is the month of love, why not focus on your significant other?
1. What is your husband's name? Stephan Brian Anderson
2. How long have you guys been married? We're comin' up on six months :)
3. How long did you date? From our first date until we got married: about nine months and one week.
4. How old is he? 22 (will be 23 this summer)
5. Who is taller? Oh, he's only taller than me by about 11 inches ;)
6. Who is smarter? He is. But he would say I am...
7. Who does laundry? I do the washing/drying because I have a system that I do not want broken. But he helps me fold when he's home.
8. Who pays the bills? He does. But that's because he has the online payer through our bank figured out.
9. Who does the grocery shopping? We do it together a lot--since he's a mathematician, he can figure out which items we can get for the best deals.
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are looking at our bed from the front, he does. But if you're talking actually ON the bed, I do.
11.Who eats more sweets? I think we each eat our fair share.
12. Who cleans? Me. But he helps when I ask and he is not too busy.
13. Who cooks dinner? Mostly me.
14. What do you like to do together? Watch movies, eat, cuddle, go to the library, go to the bookstore (we're both bibliophiles), just talk, go to cultural events when time and money permit
15. What are his hobbies? Programming, gaming (but not TOO often), and reading. He also enjoys woodworking, but we can't afford the equipment for that right now.
16. Who drives? He does.
17. Who kissed who first? It was mutual.
19. What's your favorite physical feature about him? Only one? He has beautiful hazel eyes. He also has some pretty nice biceps for a skinny guy ;) And for someone so thin, he is very strong.
20. What's a hidden talent that he has? Give him a program and he can have it figured out in about half an hour. It's crazy.
21. What's your favorite quality about him? Again, just one? Well, I do love how he always wants to take care of me and do sweet things for me. And he's a perfect gentleman.
22. Who has more friends? Uhh, I'll get back to you on that one.
23. Who does the dishes? I do them most of the time, but he does help when I ask him to (which is a lot)
24. Whose parents do you see more often? His, but that's because we have to pay airfare to go see mine. Or drive in a car for about two days.
25. Who asked who out first? It was a blind date. But he asked for my number and subsequently asked me out after that.
26. Who wears the pants? We both do.
27. What is your favorite gift he has given you? Besides himself? Maybe my wedding ring.
28. Does he have a nickname? Some people call him "Steve", and I don't like it. He introduces himself as Stephan, so that's his name! Is that so hard?
I tag anyone who wants to do this.
I tag anyone who wants to do this.
1 comment:
Cute. I love reading things like this :)
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