Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16

Let's see, what is there to tell?

My father-in-law had his surgery last week, and it went better than anyone was expecting. In fact, he went home the day after! He was originally supposed to be in the hospital for a few days. He has the "best reverse lateral mohawk" anyone has ever seen (his own words, not mine) and he has been wearing his "I'm not dead yet" t-shirt. He'll be having surgery on his liver on April 22, and we're hoping that will go well too.

Yesterday, Stephan left his keys in his scooter's ignition while he went to work, and the battery died. I had gone up to UVU with him yesterday just for a change of scenery, so we got stranded. My in-laws were kind and came to rescue us and take us to their house so we could charge the battery. They also fed us. After the battery was charged, they took us back to UVU to put the battery back in and get home.

I may need to look for a new job. I know, I just got it, but the guy hasn't been paying me and he promised that I would be paid every week. I've been sending him messages about it, but I feel like he's avoiding me, so I may have to cut my losses and look for something else. As it is, I'm not doing anymore work for him until he pays me. Fair enough? I'm working on other freelance projects at the moment that I *know* I'll be paid for soon. I'm also looking for other kinds of jobs; I'm not too picky at this point, but I don't want to do food service if I can absolutely help it. I don't think I want writing to be my only occupation at this point--I can only write so much in a day before my brain fries. I think it should be more of a side thing for me--make sense?

In other news, Stephan has a Pell Grant! It's a good one too. We just need to figure out how to go get it...ha ha. And we should get a very nice tax return in the next few months. I think Heavenly Father is looking out for us, and I am indeed grateful. Even though I am really hating all the uncertainty right now, I feel calm because I know that it's all going to work out somehow and we're going to be all right. I guess we just have to pass through these trials for whatever reason. We just have to have faith that God will guide us through these trials as long as we are faithful to Him. I know He will.

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