Sunday, April 25, 2010

On the hunt again...

The job hunt, I mean.

I have officially quit my job. He has never paid me and has not responded to any of my messages, so I quit. By quit, I mean I have de-friended him and have blocked him from viewing my profile. I hope the fact I only worked for him for less than a month doesn't reflect badly on my resume, but I can always explain.

After Wednesday of this week, Stephan is also going on the job hunt! The Math Lab has had to do some budget cuts and the most hours he was going to get this summer was five and obviously that wasn't enough so he's not working there this summer. At the moment, he is planning on working there in the fall. The only thing that would keep him from going back is if he gets a job that pays better, but we're not betting on that possibility anymore.

At this point, we're probably going to have to take what we can get. And I may feel like I wasted four years of my life to get a degree only to get a job that even a high-school dropout is qualified for. Yes, I know, college wasn't a waste. But I would like to put the knowledge I gained to use, and not just to say, "You want fries with that?" Yeah, I hate that joke about liberal arts grads.

I know life could be a lot worse, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about this. In fact, I have given myself permission to be upset.

1 comment:

Ames said...

I completely, 100% understand what you mean about the whole wondering if college was a waste (but really knowing that it isn't). I feel the same way every day at the office making copies and licking envelopes--clearly tasks that require a Masters degree! And I wish I had some awesome formula to fix it and help you find fulfillment, but I don't. The thing that I've found helps is to look back at the good, non-job related things that came from school---like your sweet husband! The experiences that come from your college years end up being a lot more valuable than the piece of paper or initials after your name.

Anyway, just know that there are lots of us in the same boat and there's nothing wrong with feeling a little discouraged. Hang in there! God sometimes has a funny way of getting us where we need to be.