Tuesday, April 15, 2008

bored...but felt like writing something anyway :)

1) How do you like your grilled cheese?
I didn't used to like grilled cheese, but for some reason that sounds very tasty right now...curse the tetracycline for not letting me eat for another hour!

2) Where did you go on your last vacation?
Probably back home to Houston.

3) Who are your godparents?
Don't have any, as far as I know.

4) What are you thinking about right now?
Food and getting stuff done

5) Where are you at noon everyday?
Cougareat, usually :)

6) How many speeding tickets have you gotten?

7) What is your favorite movie?
I go through phases...I don't know which phase I'm in right now, though. I've been wanting to watch Star Wars (original trilogy) since yesterday though.

8) What is the last thing you said out loud?
"You too. Bye!

9) What do you think of the IPHONE?
I don't know much about them.

10) What do you think of winter?
Be gone with it!

11) What do you do for relaxation?
read, listen to music

12) Where did you get your mattress from?
I don't know.

13) Do you use a plan book?
I probably should.

15) When was the last time you swam?
Goodness, I don't know.

16) What do you order at Subway?

17) Do you keep your closets organized?
Try to.

18) How do you make headaches go away?
Drink water, sit down for a while. If all else fails, bring on the ibuprofen.

19) Have you owned a beta before? What was his name?

20) If you moved out of state where would you go?
Out of Utah or Texas? Honestly, I want Texas right now.

21) How old is your best friend?

22) Did you attend pre school?
Early Childhood for two years--I was speech-delayed.

23) What do your shower curtains look like?
They are blue plaid

24) Did you have an imaginary friend as a child?

25) How do you make eggs?
Scrambled, or I'll hardboil them for egg salad sandwiches...mmmm

26) What is the weather like?
Windy, sunny, a little cool

27) Which parent do you look most like?
I look equally like both, and look down a few entries for the proof. Most people say I look like my mom though. I do have a few relatives on my dad's side who insist that my brothers and I look "very VERY Slack". Interestingly enough, whenever I ask for a description of the Slack "look", they can never give one. It's only two or three relatives though.

28) Who are the neighbors who live to the right of you?
Alysha and Laura are a few.

29) What are your thoughts on Tom Cruise?
He was quite good-looking in Top Gun, but I think he's weird now.

30) What is the next vehicle you wish to buy?
You mean my first?

31) Do you pay bills online or by mail?
online, mostly

32) What would be the best gift someone could get you right now?
Hmm...my own place with no roommates?

33) What is something stressful you will deal with next week?
Setting up cleaning checks, switching apartments, flying home for a few days

34) What is something in your home that you collect?
I don't know if I'm much of a collector

35) What did you do last night?

36) Who did you last see?
All these people in the library?

37) How do you take your coffee?
I don't

38) What is the oldest thing in your fridge?
Oh, I'm sure my roommates have plenty of spoiled food.

39) On your keyboard what key is wearing out from pressing it so much?
I don't know

40) Where do you put your keys when you come home?
I don't have keys--I have a key code

41) Where do you go for Thanksgiving?
Well, I've either gone home or spent it at my grandfather's.

42) How old will you be in 2010?
24...at the very very end

43) What actor/actress would play you in a movie?

44) How much cash is in your wallet?
Not telling.

45) Would you have a one night stand with your favorite movie star?
Only if they weren't married to their current spouses and were instead married to me...but that wouldn't be a one-night stand would it?

46) What color is your house?
Glenwood has orange-ish bricks?

47) If you were starving to death would you eat a pet?
Well, I don't have a pet, so...

48) Ever been to Alabama?
49) What kind of accent do you have?
I don't have one. Maybe a slight Texas twang when I'm home.

50) What kind of alcoholic drinks are in your fridge right now?

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