Monday, May 5, 2008

I don't have a good title

I have a new church calling. I am now a Relief Society Instructor. My reaction? Well, a little bit nervous for starters. I've never given a full-on lesson outside of Family Home Evening, and even then, those were short lessons. However, I am no longer FHE group leader and that makes me very happy. I got really tired of people not coming to Family Home Evening and feeling like it was somehow my fault.

And last night, I saw the second Single's Ward movie. Hilarious, but painful at the same time. It is painfully accurate in portraying what BYU single's wards are like, at least, the ones I've been in. And amusingly, part of the movie was filmed at my apartment complex. But I wasn't around when they filmed it--I was back in Houston.

Eh, don't feel like writing analytical right now.

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