Saturday, May 24, 2008

an update

I had been worried about finding a male to accompany me to my Marriage Prep class on Tuesday for the Communication lesson, but I decided to ask an old friend of mine and he agreed to do it. Hopefully, he can still make it. I think I gave him a bit of a scare at Institute when I mentioned that the class was three hours (and I did tell him in the e-mail) because he is working full-time. But so far, I haven't received word that he can't do it. What a way to start, we've already had an error in communication. But seriously, I owe him for this.

I volunteered at the MTC again last week. For the first hour, I was by myself with the elders and yet I was supposed to have someone with me. It was awkward because my French isn't that great and they were struggling themselves. I've got to study my French harder. But this should hopefully help me improve my speaking French.

My brother Scott got into BYU! He was initially rejected, which surprised us because he got a really good score on the ACT. But a few days ago, Scott received a letter from BYU: he has been accepted to BYU for Winter 2009. He will attend BYU-Idaho in the fall and then come down to Provo for Winter. Before he got his acceptance letter, he was planning on attending BYU-I for a year, going on his mission, then transferring to Provo afterwards. Now that he has been accepted, he won't have to go through the transfer process at all. I will also get to have my little brother with me here in Happy Valley during my last several months before I graduate. And I'll get to harass him about his mission papers and perhaps be present when his mission call comes.

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