Sunday, May 18, 2008

Life is good, mostly

I'm enjoying life right now. My classes aren't impossible but they aren't hard--they keep me busy. I've re-started my Pilates routine and I'm planning on adding walking to it because I need a cardio workout, and I am not a fan of running. I've also mostly cut junk food out of my diet! I know you are saying: "But you're so thin!" Well, I'm not *that* thin and it's not a bad idea to eat healthy foods in the first place. I feel so much better since I reduced my junk food intake. The most junk food I had this last week was some vanilla ice cream at a ward party and hot dogs and various junk foods at a barbecue my friends had in Canyon Glen Park last night. I don't like hot dogs, but these were OK.

I also started volunteering in the Teaching Resource Center (TRC) at the Missionary Training Center (MTC) this last week for the French-speaking missionary. I enjoyed it and I wish I had started it sooner. I decided to do it because I really want to improve my speaking skills in French.

Today, I taught my first Relief Society lesson and it went well. I thought I was going to be so nervous, as what usually happens when I give some sort of lesson or talk.

It appears I have something resembling a social life. My next-door neighbors are super social and keep inviting me to stuff. I've been doing something every Saturday for the last three weeks. On Friday, I got to see Prince Caspian and it was really good. I'm not sure how I felt about the romantic element they added between Susan and Prince Caspian--it wasn't originally in the book! Last night, I went to Canyon Glen Park for a barbecue and played Ultimate Frisbee for the first time in my life. I'm told that I'm good with a frisbee--perhaps this is something I should take up.

So, this week I need to find a guy who is willing to come to my Marriage Prep class a week from Tuesday for a communication exercise. This is one time I wish I were dating someone. This is going to be oh-so-awkward. I don't really have any close guy friends either...*sighs*.

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